About Me

I am a undergraduate student at Clemson University pursuing both my Bachelor’s in Computer Science, with a minor in Cybersecurity, and a Master’s in Computer Science with a concentration in Data Science and Informatics.

I have over a decade of self-led experience with software development, have worked with companies such as Microsoft, Giant Oak, and Ally Financial, and have professional experience in a variety of fields including cloud software development, cybersecurity, and front-end development. Over the past year and a half I have become quite active in artificial intelligence and machine learning research, with my first publication being accepted to EMNLP 2023. I’m very interested in continuing to pursue research, and am currently working to develop my own ~1B LLM based on Microsoft’s Retentive Network.

In the meantime, I’m also codirector of CUhackit, Clemson University’s official student hackathon organization, the only hackathon organization in South Carolina recognized by MLH, and home of the largest hackathon in South Carolina! We do a lot of interesting work and help get many future engineers their first start, so if you or your organization are interested in working with us don’t hesitate to reach out!

On the side, I love skiing, going on camping and hiking trips, and playing retro games on retro hardware.

Feel free to reach out with any inquiries at nbrown9@clemson.edu. Cheers!